Our Call Sign

Air traffic controllers use call signs to identify and communicate with the flight crew of a single aircraft. It’s important to differentiate aircraft in a crowded sky at large airports.

When it was time to choose a call sign, we wanted to recognize and reinforce our team’s culture and values.


Radio Sample

This video includes a sample of radio chatter between an AB Jets’ pilot and ATC.

Tower, fortitude five oh nine is circling to the east two-six right

Fortitude five zero nine running two six right, clear to land

Clear to land two six right fortitude five zero nine


The complex and demanding aviation industry requires extensive training, skill, and experience. Our top-notch reliability and safety record are largely due to the perseverance of our expert aircraft mechanics. Flight crews must maintain a calm and focused determination to navigate adverse weather conditions, handle unexpected situations, and make split-second decisions.


Many of AB Jets’ Directors and senior leadership have been on the team for over a decade. We like what we’re doing and the team we’re doing it with. Despite facing industry changes and economic challenges, we have persisted. Our enthusiasm and commitment to achieving goals have led to continued success.

Call Sign

Our call sign demonstrates the AB Jets’ identity.
Fortitude is a word that signifies strength, resilience, and perseverance.
We reflect these values in every mission by providing safe and reliable air travel.

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Learjet 60

Learjet 60

Learn how this aircraft sets us apart from its exceptional speed and range to its unmatched comfort.

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